I must deliver speeches in English but I'm not a native speaker!

Do you need to present in English but feel uneasy?

    Does speaking in English stress you out?

    My international public speaking training is for you!

    I assist you in refining simple, clear, and precise expression and impactful articulation.

    We expand your vocabulary and English communication phrases for use in front of your audience.

    Simulations in English will allow you to practice what you've learned and enhance your fluency.

    You will practice with scripts and slides in English, incorporating vocabulary specific to your professional context.

    You will receive instant corrections on your oral expression and use of language specific to international presentations.

    In the end, you will have a complete English presentation ready to deliver, thus boosting your confidence.

    Contact Patrick JAY now!
A non-native English speaker aiming to deliver speeches confidently in English, highlighting the language challenge.